Saturday, October 07, 2006


I have a new favorite drink at Starbucks. I would have it everyday if I could, but I'm trying not to because of my weightloss efforts, so I wrote this poem one day when I was trying to decide if I should stop at Starbucks or not. Enjoy:

BBGT Frap by Melissa Black

I learned about a product at Starbucks the other day. It's called a Blackberry Green Tea Frappicino they say.

I ordered a Venti not realizing it was bigger than a Grande. I walked out the door, drink in hand it was early Monday.

I got in my car and headed to work, took a sip of my drink and my taste buds went berserk.

I couldn't believe this light green creation. It was the beginning of a taste bud sensation.

I knew this was love at first taste, so I savored every sip, I didn't drink it in haste.

I knew that something had just begun. It was a love affair with this flavor upon my tongue.

BBGT Frap is what I nicknamed my new favorite drink. "When's my next trip to Starbucks?" is now what I think.

I'd go everyday if I could, but I'm trying to lose weight, so that's no good.

So, once a week is where I'm at, "I'll see you next week my dear, sweet BBGT Frap."


Blogger Hilary-Dilary-Dock said...

You cracked me up on this poem! Funny stuff! Not a real tea/coffee fan (or anything along those lines) so I needn't worry about Starbucks calling me! But I do know what you mean about those cravings! Just don't give into them! LOL!


8:50 AM  

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